Law Kumar Mishra
Patna, February 8
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday laid the foundation stone for the world’s second largest hospital to come up in Patna Medical College Hospital premises.
The proposed redeveloped PMCH would have 5500 beds, next to 10,000 in the Chang Gunga memorial hospital at Taoyuan in China. The renovated hospital would be constructed on the premises of the PMCH set up in 1921 and then known as Prince of Wales Medical College Hospital. Nitish said the new hospital would have helipad for the landing and take-off of air ambulance.
The hospital would be linked to the Ashok Rajpath and Ganga Oath away through elevated roads.
Speaking on the occasion, Nitish said from next month, over 27 crore people in the age group of 50 plus would be vaccinated to combat Coronavirus. He announced that all ciitzens of the state would be vaccinated free of cost. He said Bihar outnumbered other states in the Corona vaccination programme and int he first two phases, Corona warriors responded well.
The proposed hospital will have 360 studio apartments for the patients and their attendants. For the economically poor patients and attendants, 715 rooms Dharmashala would also be constructed. Premises would have capacity for parking of 4000 vehicles and 60 modular operation theatres.
Dr B C Roy, former chief minister of West Bengal, Dr C P Thakur, former union health minister are old boys of the Medical College.
PMCH Alumni association had opposed demolition of the century old building and said all historic institutions endeavour to preserve their heritage for the next generation and the coming generation will be robbed off seeing the heritage of Bihar’s first medical college.
The iconic and old heritage building are now proposed to be dismantled as part of redevelopment plan for the new hospital complex.
The association said the new project had not gone down well with the PMCH alumni living in Bihar or abroad, who have suggested the existing building should not be disturbed, said Dr Satyajeet Kumar Singh, association president.