Samvaad opens forum for serious deliberations on the theme ‘reimagine’

Team News Riveting

Jamshedpur, November 16

The second of the eight edition of Samvaad witnessed some serious deliberations by experts on some of the pressing challenges faced by the tribal communities today.

Experts from tribal communities came together to discuss various aspects surrounding the theme of Samvaad this year ‘reimagine’. 

It also offered some sumptuous delicacies coming out from the tribal kitchen at Samvaad as well as discourse on healing practices to ensure better public health. 

 Discourse on topics related to tribal communities were taken up by the eminent speakers and experts. Based on this year’s central theme of Samvaad, discussions centered around ‘Why Reimagine?’.  Eminent speakers discussed several aspects centered around the theme. Three change-makers, Deepa Pawar from Maharashtra, Naren Hansdah from West NBengal and Jayanti Buruda from Odisha shared their stories.

 Today’s sessions on Tribal Healing Practices was based on the theme ‘Tribal Healing and the Public Health Space’. The discourse in next few days will try to recapitulate the objectives, bye-laws and activities of the national association, re-establishing the one-year plan with activities that would be taken up by the National Tribal Healers Collective.

Considering the restrictions around Covid-19, this year 26 healers from across the country are at Jamshedpur along with the online participation of more than 219 healers from 13 states and 1 union territory; who are attending with their groups regionally.

Aatithya, conceptualised to bring together the cultural, nutritional and commercial significance of the culinary heritage of the tribes is executed in partnership with Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL). Like every year, it is a chance to savour the rare tribal recipes from across the country. Today, delicacies like Let Jil Pitha or Dumbu Pitha were items on the platter savoured by many attending guests as well as food connoisseurs who ordered it through Zomato. 

Last year, the constraints on physical assembly had compelled to recalibrate the things, wherein Tata Steel Foundation introduced the option of ordering the wide variety of special delicacies online through Zomato during the 5 days of Samvaad. This year too, there have been overwhelming response from the citizens of Jamshedpur. This year, 48 home cooks from 17 tribes of 9 states are available.

People can browse through the wide variety of tribal delicacies offered under the banner of Aatithya @ Samvaad, in Zomato, for next three days and place orders.

Samvaad, a one-of-its kind pan-India tribal conclave organised by Tata Steel Foundation, unfolded on November 15, Birth Anniversary of Tribal Icon Bhagwan Birsa Munda taking the conversations and celebrations onto digital and live platforms.

 Samvaad 2021 is bringing together 187 outstanding tribal artists, home chefs, healers, culture crusaders and leaders in person in Jamshedpur, along with more than 4,000 women, men and children from communities of 87 tribes across 25 states and 5 union territories in India who will login to the dialogue remotely, in a bridgital format. 

 The theme for Samvaad this year is ‘Reimagine’ that hopes to embark on deeper, patient and representative exploration of what this reimagination means for tribal communities.

 Curated workshops will be organised to select 10 Samvaad Fellows out of total 17 shortlisted applicants from 17 tribes of 12 states. They will go through final selection process led by an eminent jury panel. Names of final Samvaad Fellows will be announced on November 19, 2021.

Tribal artisans will also showcase their talent as 25 artists from 8 tribes of 7 states, representing 12 art forms, are coming together for art residency where they will interpret Samvaad on 8 stunning canvases. Besides 180 tribal healers from 21 tribes of 11 states are coming together to renew dialogue on formation of the National Tribal Healers Association and a revised mandate fit for the new emphasis on health systems.

 Moreover, Samudaay ke Saath will see Film Screening on themes related to tribals. 1,500 school students across India will be taken through cinema-led story telling sessions to spur conversations on the best of tribal culture, wisdom and way of life. This will combine physical screenings in Jamshedpur and online shows on the Samvaad youtube channel.

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