Pakistan drops stringent chemical castration as punishment for serial rapists

Team News Riveting

Pakistan has removed a clause from a new criminal law that had allowed chemical castration as a punishment for serial rapists

Parliamentary Secretary for Law and Justice Maleeka Bokhari said on Friday that a clause providing for “chemical castration” of habitual rapists had been removed from the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2021, in the light of objections raised by the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII). The state-run body that interprets laws from an Islamic perspective, found chemical castration un-Islamic.

The clause was later omitted from the bill before its passage in Wednesday’s joint session of parliament, Bokhari said, noting that “Article 227 of the Constitution also guarantees that all laws must be under the Shariah and the Holy Quran, hence we cannot pass any law that goes against these values.”

She said the decision was taken after detailed deliberation by a government committee under the guidance of the law minister.

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