Industry sway in Chhattisgarh’s unemployment index

Team News Riveting

Raipur, January 8

Chhattisgarh ranks fourth among the state with the lowest unemployment rate in the country with 2.1 per cent, according to a report released by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)

Generation of employment has been a major issue across different ruling dispensations since ages and is often the bone of contention between the common man and governments. The already existing problem of unemployment has been further aggravated today by the recent periodic waves of the pandemic forcing the societies to undertake restrictive measures like lock down, which affect the economy severely. The unemployment rate is one of the major indicators of development in a society and hence governments across various states of the country along with the union government are constantly devising resilient strategies to foster job creation and bring about the job rich growth of the nation. This constant pursuit of the administration is further strengthened by the industries which are responsible for the implementation of the strategies devised.

One of the successful examples of the positive outcome of the synergy of Government and Industries is presented by the state of Chhattisgarh which has constantly performed better than many other states of the nation on various scales measuring unemployment. The recent report released by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) testifies state’s success as Chhattisgarh ranked fourth among the states with the lowest unemployment rate in the country with 2.1 per cent.

In the midst of a nationwide recession, Chhattisgarh has been able to continuously control the unemployment rate through the various economic measures taken in the state. This sustained success of the region can also be attributed to the proactive policy followed by the different Industrial units established in the state. It is the combined empathetic and sensitive approach of both the state and industrial fraternity that helped in spreading the positive sentiment across masses and helped the society as a whole to sail through the testing times.

The help extended by the major industrial units such as NTPC, BALCO, SECL, BSP etc to the workforce and the members residing in the vicinity through a well-crafted strategy led to the continuation of business operations even during restrictions, thus keeping the jobs safe.

Understanding the successful model of job creation in Chhattisgarh, we can take example of the development introduced by BALCO in the region of Korba. Around 86 per cent of the total workforce in the plant including both direct and indirect employment belongs to Chhattisgarh. These are the figures of only one industrial unit in the state, presence of such similar statistics across different industries is the reason behind the consistent low unemployment rate in the state.

Such a successful model of Government – Industry collaboration is bound to attract further investments in the state, making Chhattisgarh a role model in ‘Employment Generation.’

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