Swami Satyarupananda Ji Maharaj of Vivekananda Ashram passes away

Swami Satyarupananda Ji Maharaj

Team News Riveting

Raipur, February 27

Revered Swami Satyarupananda Ji Maharaj breathe his last on Sunday at 11.30 am.

The Secretary of Vivekananda Ashram, Raipur, he was ailing for some time. Maharaj Ji was admitted to a private hospital.

The body is being brought to Vivekananda Ashram for the people and devotees to pay the last respect to Swami Satyarupananda Ji Maharaj, who dedicated his life for the cause of the society.

The funeral will take place at Mahadev Ghat later today at 4 pm.

Swami Satyarupananda Ji Maharaj ‘s untiring efforts has helped Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Movement to get widespread recognition in Chhattisgarh-Madhya Pradesh.

Ashrama was founded in April, 1962 and the Samiti got affiliated to the Ramakrishna Mission with its headquarters at Belur Math on 7th April, 1968. And hence, the then Shri Ramakrishna Sewa Samiti was renamed as RamaKrishna Mission Vivekananda Ashrama.

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