Chinese Gesture: Wants India to be partners for mutual success

Team News Riveting

In a significant development given the global scenario arising after the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China has signalled it want a bridge with India.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China and India should treat each other as partners of mutual success rather than adversaries of mutual attrition. He pointed out that the two countries should not allow territorial disputes left over from history to affect the overall interests of bilateral cooperation. 

Wang made the remarks at Monday’s press conference on China’s foreign policy and foreign relations via video link on the sidelines of the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress. 

Talking about the future of China-India relations given it hit all time low in the past three years, Wang said the two sides should stick to the strategic consensus of “not posing threats but providing mutual development opportunities to each other.”

Both the countries should enhance mutual trust and avoid misunderstandings. “China-India relations have suffered some setbacks in recent years, which does not serve the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples,” he said. 

As for the border disputes left over from history, China always advocates managing differences through equal consultation and actively seeking a just and reasonable solution, said Wang, adding that these historical issues should not be allowed to affect or interfere with the relations of the two countries, especially the overall interests of bilateral cooperation.

Wang pointed out that there are some forces trying to stir up conflicts between China and India and create division in the region. However, more people have realized that for big countries like China and India with over a billion people, only by upholding independent principles can the two truly decide their destinies and achieve revitalization.

“Just as an Indian saying goes – help thy brother’s boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore,” he said, noting that the two countries should treat each other as partners of mutual success rather than adversaries of mutual attrition.

Foreign affairs experts saw it as a crucial development and a huge statement from China. Though one said it was a good statement but badly timed. It could be interpreted as China extending a hand when its battling US.

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