Bihar booze bill tightens traders

A file picture

Law Kumar Mishra

Patna, March 31

Bihar Assembly on Wednesday passed the Bihar excise and prohibition (amendment) bill seeking to give relief to the first-time offenders of the prohibition law and provide them immediate release. 

Excise and Prohibition Minister Sunil Kumar, a former IPS officer, who piloted the Bill said amendment seeks to expedite trial under the Act and shift focus from persons consuming alcohol to the illegal suppliers and traders of liquor.

First time offenders will be released immediately by the executive magistrate who would also enjoy powers of judicial magistrate on payment of fine to be decided by the government. The Magistrate will hold summary trial and police would have to submit final investigation report within 90 days.

In February, 2022, Supreme Court while rejecting appeals filed by the Bihar government had obser6 that trial courts and Patna High court are being crowded with matters under the Act only.

Since 2018 when the 2016 law was amended, 1.15 lakh cases are pending trial and only 321 cases have been disposed by the special courts. In last three years, 1.27 lakhs people were jailed, 40.000 average every year for violation of the prohibition law. Last year 47.000 were arrested.

Under the amended law, special excise courts would be set up in all districts, Minister said. 

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