Silicon Steel Mill of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant creates new single day production record

The officials and employees at SSM

Team News Riveting

Rourkela, August 9

The Reversing Mill of Silicon Steel Mill (SSM) of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) rolled 470 tonnes Cold Rolled Non-Oriented (CRNO) Coils on 8th August, 2022 to create a new single day production record.

It surpassed the previous best figure of 458 Tons produced by the unit on 25th September, 2005.

It is noteworthy that SSM has clocked the best monthly performance by rolling 6626 Tons of saleable steel in July, 2022 which is its best performance since July, 2013.

It is worth mentioning that with good quality input from the new Hot Strip Mill-2 of RSP, the production in the Reversing Mill of SSP has gone up to more than 300 Tons per day  on regular basis with production surpassing 400 Tons on several occasions.

S R Suryawanshi, ED (Works), RSP visited SSM Shop Floor on 9th August, 2022 to congratulate the SSM collective for the record breaking performance. Many Chief General Managers, HoDs of different upstream as well as associated departments and a large number of executives and employees of SSM were present on the occasion.

Congratulating the collective, Suryawanshi said, “The exceptional performance exemplifies the deep commitment of the team SSM to achieve the set goal. Let’s sustain the momentum and move forward to scale new peaks of excellence.”

Kartikeya Behera, CGM (CRM, SSM & PP) congratulated team SSM and all the associated departments for the brilliant performance and exuded confidence that the department will strive forward to achieve the set monthly production target of 7500 tonnes. 

 It is noteworthy that SSM produces energy efficient Steel Cold Rolled Non-Oriented (CRNO) which is an essential raw material for manufacturing of electrical equipments like generators, motors, relays, small transformers etc. RSP has the distinction of being the first in the country to start commercial production of the CRNO at SSM.

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