New benchmark set in Silicon Steel Mill of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant

Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, RSP addressing the employees

Team News Riveting

Rourkela, September 1

Continuing its record breaking spree, Silicon Steel Mill of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has registered a new record in monthly production by rolling 7525 tonnes of saleable steel in August, 2022.

This is the highest saleable steel production of the unit. The previous best of 7505 tonnes was achieved in May ‘2008. Few more highlight worthy points are the prime acceptance of  93 per cent and the HR to finish yield of more than 85 per cent.

The Reversing Mill of Siliconn Steel Mill had recorded its best ever single day production of 470 tonnes on 8th August, 2022 surpassing the previous best of 458  tonnes  achieved on September’ 2005. These success stories could be scripted with continuous support from associated units as well as the good quality input from the new Hot Strip Mill-2.

Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, RSP visited Silicon Steel Mill on 1st September, 2022 to congratulate the  collective for the outstanding performance. He was accompanied by S R Suryawanshi, ED (Works), P K Satapathy, ED (P&A), P K Sahoo, ED (Projects), Somnath Tripathy, ED (MM) and many Chief General Managers.  HoDs of different departments and a large number of executives as well as employees of SSM were present on the occasion.

Congratulating the collective, the DIC said, “The splendid performance signifies the spirit, determination and professionalism of the collective. It indicates that if you desire, plan and execute, then the goal is certainly attainable. Let’s sustain the momentum to scale new peaks of success”. He presented flowers and sweets to the employees to mark the occasion.

Suryawashi in his address commended the exemplary teamwork of SSM. He urged everyone to remain undeterred in their pursuit for excellence and to strive further and make all out efforts to meet the new set targets.

Satapathy expressed happiness over the brilliant performance of the Mill while Sahoo spoke highly of the team SSM which has helped the Mill continually improve its performance. Tripathy reiterated the whole hearted support of Materials Management department in terms of consumables and spares to SSM.

C R Mishra, GM In-charge (SSM) thanked Kartikeya Behera, CGM (CRM, SSM and PPs), the SSM collective and all the supporting departments, namely Hot Strip Mill-2, SMS-1, PPC, RCL, Roll Shop, T&RM and CMO for the well synchronised effort. He also assured the Senior Executives that the collective will make determined efforts to create new benchmarks.

It is noteworthy that SSM produces energy efficient Steel Cold Rolled Non-Oriented (CRNO) which is an essential raw material for manufacturing of electrical equipments like generators, motors, relays, small transformers etc. RSP has the distinction of being the first in the country to start commercial production of the CRNO.

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