China dictates what Indian media will cover!

People’s Voice: A Protest march in Taiwan

R Krishna Das

Despite restricting access to Indian newspapers and media websites in the country, the coverage on Taiwan National Day in New Delhi has come as a severe blow to China.

That prompted a desperate move to force Chinese embassy in New Delhi to issue a series of directives to Indian media and media houses regarding coverage of impending National Day of Taiwan on 10th October. BJP leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga had led the celebration followed by a large number of people in defiance of Chinese diktat.

The wide coverage given by a section of the media has baffled China that objected to Taiwan being called a separate Nation. The Taiwanese President and the entire island Nation was overwhelmed with the initiative taken by Bagga and the people of India and had thanked them.

Press release issued by the Press Section of the embassy appeared to be more of a diktat to Indian media about reporting of the National Day of Taiwan. It threatens the media, “Taiwan shall not be referred to as a ‘country’ (‘nation’) or “Republic of China” or the leader of China’s Taiwan region as “President”, so as not to send wrong signals to the general public.”

Chinese government mouthpiece Global Times raised a finger on Indian reporting. It said, “The move came as Indian media advocated and supported the Taiwan island celebrating a “national day” and a spokesperson for the Indian foreign ministry defended India’s media’s right to publish its own views even if they don’t respect the one-China policy.”

Interestingly, the so-called “custodians” of press freedom in India are mum. The so-called advocates of Indian journalism could not find it a perfect case of “media suppression” or “press freedom” when a neighbouring country that had always challenged India’s sovereignty issued conditions for coverage.

A section of media with Nationalistic look gave coverage to the National Day event. The impact was so severe that China had to respond despite it having banned Indian newspapers and its news websites in its soil.

What could be more shameful for the “guardians” of press freedom that the organisation looking after circulation of newspapers has to come out in protest!

 The Indian Newspaper Society (INS) slammed China’s action of restricting access to Indian newspapers and media websites and urged the Indian government to expeditiously take steps to ban access to Chinese media in the country.

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