China fears ships safety on Indian Ocean

Team News Riveting

Experts in China have warned of risks to shipping on the Indian Ocean following India’s close contact with the island of Taiwan.

The stand of the Indian media recently on Taiwan had shattered China with the state-run newspaper Global Times coming out with sharp reactions. The celebration of Taiwan National day and the vast media coverage of the event had baffled China.

A fresh development had added fuel when a TV channel aired an interview with the head of the leader of the external affairs authority of Taiwan Joseph Wu, who openly advocated “Taiwan independence” during the interview.

The Global Times quoted Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, stating that Indian media’s recent moves provoking the Taiwan issue are related to the Indian government.

Given the two countries’ confrontation on their border, the BJP is attempting to use the Taiwan question to threaten China and win concessions for China during border negotiations, Hu said, adding the Indian government has seriously violated the one-China principle and Chinese government is certain to take firm countermeasures.  

As the island of Taiwan actively attempts to improve relations with India, Hu warned that China’s shipping safety on the Indian Ocean could be endangered.

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