SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant records all time high production in Calendar Year 2022

SMS 3 Caster

Team News Riveting

Raipur, January 7

SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant has recorded all time high production of finished steel and saleable steel in Calendar Year 2022.

Modex units, Steel Melting Shop-3, Universal Rail Mill and Bar & Rod Mill too have recorded best ever calendar year performances in 2022.

In the area of sinter production, Sinter Plant-3 recorded production of 5,365,500 T in Year 2022, surpassing previous best of 5,192,267 T achieved in 2021. Total Sinter production at 8,001,700 T was also best ever for any calendar year, surpassing previous best of 7,848,545 T achieved in 2021.

Modex unit, Steel Melting Shop-3 that supplies cast blooms for production of rails and cast billets for production of TMT Bars etc recorded best ever production of 2,927,600 T of cast steel in 2022, surpassing the previous best of 2,675,258 T achieved in the year 2021. This included best ever production of Cast Bloom at 1,130,100 T, surpassing the previous best of 1,034,317 T achieved in the year 2021 and best ever production of Cast Billets at 1,797,500 T, surpassing previous best of 1,640,941 T achieved in 2021.

Universal Rail Mill recorded highest ever Prime Rail production of 743,500 T in 2022, surpassing previous best of 628,922 T achieved in the year 2021. URM also recorded best ever Long Rail Production at 700,700 T, surpassing previous best of 691,986 T achieved in the year 2020.

Total long production from both URM and Rail & Strl Mill in 2022 was also best ever at 843,700 T, surpassing previous best of 691,986 T achieved in the year 2020. The Plant recorded highest ever loading of Long Rails at 866,500 T in 2022, surpassing previous best of 715,644 T achieved in the year 2020.

Modex unit, Bar & Rod Mill recorded best ever finished production at 814,300 T, surpassing previous best of 656,606 T achieved in the year 2021. RMP 3, another Modex unit recorded highest ever total production of 469,600 T, surpassing previous best of 385,430 T achieved in the year 2021.

The Plant recorded highest ever total Finished Steel production at 4,277,100 T in 2022, surpassing previous best of 3,632,768 T achieved in the year 2021, and highest ever Saleable Steel production at 4,667,800 T, surpassing previous best of 4,660,348 T achieved in the year 2021. Highest ever Total Loading for Direct despatches of 2,676,200 T was recorded, surpassing the previous best of 2,474,061 T achieved in the year 2021.

In the area of techno-economics, highest ever CDI (coal dust injection) rate of 110 Kg per tonne of hot metal has been achieved in Blast Furnaces, surpassing previous best of 77.4 Kg/THM achieved in the year 2021.

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