PM acknowledges Bengaluru-based Cardiologist and his son for recycling

Best from Waste

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, March 7

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has complimented the efforts of Bengaluru based senior cardiologist, Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy, Senior Cardiologist and his son for creating awareness on recycling and ‘waste to wealth’.

Modi urged others to share similar efforts, which will create greater awareness on recycling and ‘waste to wealth.

The doctor has informed that every academic year end his son diligently takes out empty sheets of paper from his notebooks and the doctor gets them bound and uses it for rough work and practice. 

In reply to the tweet by above mentioned doctor, the Prime Minister tweeted;

“A good team effort this is, with a larger message of sustainable living. Compliments to your son and you. 

Would urge others as well to share similar efforts, which will create greater awareness on recycling and ‘waste to wealth.’”

Dr Deepak is a senior Interventional Cardiologist at Sakra World Hospital, Bengaluru.

He is an eminent Cardiologist who was awarded the water gold medal in Cardiology for his outstanding performance in the DNB Cardiology examinations at the all India level, Interventional Cardiology Centre, for his DNB Cardiology training during which he had extensive training in noninvasive and interventional cardiology under the able guidance of Dr P K Dash who is a renowned Cardiologist and teacher par excellence.

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