SAIL-Bhilai meets Durgapur’s demand

Bloom caster in SMS 2

Team News Riveting

Raipur, May 1

The steel melting shop 2 (SMS-2) of Bhilai Steel Plant, an arm of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), has fulfilled the requirement of Alloy Steel Plant (ASP) by casting special grade blooms for use in automobile sector.

SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant’s Steel Melting Shop 2 (SMS 2) has cast blooms of 20MNCR5 degassed Steel Grade for Alloy Steel Plant, Durgapur for the first time, thereby fulfilling long pending requirement from ASP, the company said.

SMS 2 was commissioned as part of the Plant’s 4 million tonne (MT) expansion. Production of crude steel in SMS 2 started in the year 1985. SMS 2 produces cast blooms and cast slabs from the casters in its Continuous Casting Shop. Cast Slabs from SMS 2 are used for rolling plates in Plate Mill and cast blooms are rolled into rails in the Plant’s Rail & Strl Mill.

Bloom Caster No 5 had been an integral part of SMS 2 right from the beginning with the first bloom cast on 3rd Feb1985. Since then there has been no looking back, with Caster 5 having always met the stringent quality requirement of Indian Railways. This caster has always been premium amongst all the casters and the caster utilization always been over 95 per cent.

Once the casting process is started, the caster is continued for long sequences by flying tundish and stopped only in case of any problem. There has been gradual upgradation in the caster as per the requirement of Indian Railways which includes EMS system, slag detection system and AMLC.

SMS 2 that has continuously striven for excellence in all fronts has now added another feather to its cap by casting blooms of 20MNCR5 degassed Steel Grade for Alloy Steel Plant, Durgapur for the first time, thereby fulfilling long pending requirements of ASP.

This was made possible by diligent efforts by all the sections including Operations, Mechanical and Electrical of Continuous Casting Shop (CCS) of SMS 2 under the leadership of Shri Susanta Kumar Ghosal CGM (SMS2),, Instrumentation group, the Plant’s Research and Control Lab (RCL), Converter Shop in SMS 2, SBS, Secondary Refining Units, KMC group and Protective Group.

These blooms of 20MNCR5 degassed Steel Grade will be further rolled at the ASP special steel plant of SAIL for different applications in automobile sector.

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