SECL celebrates World Environment Day with vow for green cause

SECL CMD Dr Prem Sagar Mishra (centre) along with other guests releasing the poster

Team News Riveting

Raipur, June 5

The World Environment Day was celebrated at the South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) headquarters on Monday with enthusiasm and aim for Nature’s care.

The main function was organised at the administrative building premises. Chairman cum Managing Director (CMD) of SECL Dr Prem Sagar Mishra, who was the chief guest on the occasion, unfurl the environment flag. It was followed by playing the corporate song of Coal India Limited (CIL).

Director Technical (Operations) S K Pal, Director (Finance) G Srinivasan, Director (Personnel) Debasish Acharya, Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) Jayant Kumar Khamari, General Manager (Environment) B K Jena, heads of departments, officers and employees were present on the occasion. The CMD administered the pledge to the Team SECL.

A poster on the environment was released by the guests on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering, Dr Mishra said that coal mining in a sustainable manner was an integral part of their operations. “We are committed to grooming Vasundhara for a better tomorrow. Each of our miners is determined to preserve and enhance nature with a strong morale. This is according to our values ​​of life as mentioned in our Veda Shastras urging people of the earth to protect environment.”

Director Technical (Planning/Projects) S K Pal said that SECL produced coal according to the demand of the country, and it was also their responsibility to plant and cultivate trees to maintain the balance of nature. He said that use of plastic had considerably increased in the last 2-3 years that needed to be checked.

Speaking on the occasion, Director (Finance) Srinivasan said that environmental protection was essential to keep life physically and mentally strong. Every person should make vigorous efforts in this direction, he said, adding one must protect nature.

Debasish Acharya, Director (Personnel), observed that it was the responsibility of every citizen to provide a clean, safe environment to their future generations.

Chief Vigilance Officer Jayant Kumar Khamari said that environmental pollution was increasing globally. Along with development, one should also work towards environmental protection and promotion. “Along with our rights towards the environment, we should also take care of our duties,” he added.

Dr Mishra along with Functional Directors, CVO and officers planted fruit-bearing and other saplings in the premises. They were joined by Shraddha Mahila Mandal Chairperson Mrs. Poonam Mishra, Vice President Mrs. Rita Pal, Mrs. Raji Srinivasan, Mrs. Sangeeta Kapri, Mrs. Sharda Acharya.

At the beginning of the program, General Manager (Environment) B K Jena welcomed the guests and briefed about the works undertaken by the SECL in the field of environment. Chief Manager (Environment) S R Tripathi read the message of Coal India Limited Chairman P K Agarwal.

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