Prime Minister prepares ground for Uniform Civil Code

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing BJP workers in Bhopal

Team News Riveting

Bhopal, June 27

In an overt signal that Centre was seriously considering the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said if one family could not run on two laws, how could a nation?

The Prime Minister was addressing BJP’s 10 lakh booth workers virtually from Bhopal on Tuesday. Responding to the queries from women BJP workers on the issues of UCC, triple talaq and misgivings among the Muslims, the Prime Minister quizzed, “If triple talaq was an essential part of Islam, why did Muslim majority nations like Egypt, Bangladesh, Jordan, Indonesia, Pakistan not practise it?”

“By hanging the noose of triple talaq on Muslim daughters, some people want the freedom to keep harassing them. But my Muslim daughters and sisters support me and the BJP wherever I go,” Modi said, adding that India’s Muslims will have to understand which political parties are misleading and destroying them for vote bank politics. He was referring to continued exploitation of Pasmanda Muslims in India.

On the issue of UCC, the Prime Minister asked whether one family could run if there were two laws for two members. “These days, Muslims are being misled in the name of UCC. Can a family run if there is one law for one member and another for another member? How can the country run with two laws?” Modi said.

He said the Constitution spoke of equal rights for all citizens. Castigating the opposition for opposing UCC, Modi said, “Had these people (opposition) been Muslim sympathisers, the community would not have lagged in education and jobs. The SC has repeatedly asked for the enactment of UCC but these vote-bank-driven people are raising hurdles.” People practising vote bank politics have completely destroyed Pasmanda Muslims, he added.

This was the first public remarks of Modi on the need for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC), giving overt signal that the BJP aims to introduce a law for UCC with the Law Commission working on the draft.

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