SECL organises Fit India Swachchta Freedom Run 4.0

The event organised by the SECL

Team News Riveting

Raipur, October 13

Fit India Swachchta Freedom Run 4.0 was organized at SECL under Fit India and Swachh Bharat
Mission on Thursday.

The Freedom Run was led by Director (Finance) G Srinivasan and Director (Personnel) Debasis Acharyya. The Freedom Run started at 7 am from Ravindra Bhawan in Vasant Vihar Colony and passed through
various places in the colony and finally ended at Ravindra Bhawan.

Nearly 100 participants including officers, employees, school children, women etc. took part in the Freedom Run, making the event a success and giving the message of Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India is promoting the
Freedom Run events in the country under the joint aegis of Fit India Mission and Swachh Bharat

The main objective of the event is to spread awareness about cleanliness and healthy lifestyle. In this series, this program was organized in SECL.

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