Hot Strip Mill-2 of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant gets prestigious API  Certification

Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, RSP (fifth from left) receiving the certificate

Team News Riveting

Rourkela, November 20

The State-of-the-art Hot Strip Mill-2 (HSM-2) of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) has been certified for production of prestigious API 5L X70 PSL-II grade HR coils by the certifying agency M/s MECON Ltd.

In a programme organised on 18th November, 2023 at the ‘Manthan’ Conference Hall, the certificate was handed over to Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, RSP with the additional charge of Bokaro Steel Plant by the team R & C Laboratory (RCL).

Congratulating the team (comprising departments like  SMS-2, HSM-2, RCL & PPC and RDCIS) involved in the whole exercise of development of API steel products from HSM-2, the DIC said that the prestigious certification reflects RSP’s determination to strive for continual improvement. He expressed hope that the certification will help maximize revenues and broaden customer base.

At the outset, Atish Chandra Sarkar, CGM (Quality) briefly spoke about the certification process, its significance and benefits. 

Kuntal Patwari, GM (RCL) explained about the certification process at RSP and the difficulties involved in developing and testing API PSL-2 grade steel .

Notably, RCL played a pivotal role with CGM (Quality) as the Management Representative (MR) for the API system Certification process. The effort had started about 9 months back with the trial production of API grade steel in SMS-2 and subsequent rolling of coils in HSM-2 in absence of Manganese – metal as alloy addition. A number of process improvements and adjustments in alloy design were carried out subsequently.

Despite challenges in producing API-grade steel in the newly commissioned HSM-2, team RCL viewed it as an opportunity to explore and innovate . Through meticulous alloy design, process optimization, and coordination between RDCIS, SMS-2, HSM-2, PPC and RCL could successfully develope API 5L X70 PSL-2 grade. The Level-2 automation models were fine-tuned by Team HSM2 for optimal results in dimensional tolerances and shape. M/s. MECON was then engaged as the certifying agency.

The essential training on API system requirements, ensuring competence etc were conducted across involved agencies. Following thorough assessments in pre-audit and Final Audit stages, RSP achieved certification for all grades up to API X70 PSL-2 for HR coils, having dimensions up to 16 mm x 1830 mm using DS-BOF  – LHF- RHOB – Caster3 route.

With this, RSP is now a certified API grade HR Coils supplier, approved for use in critical applications for Oil and Gas pipelines in and outside India, meeting the standards set by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

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