Chhattisgarh High Court’s cases pendency plunges by 1.47% for first time in decade

Chhattisgarh High Court Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha

Team News Riveting

Raipur, December 5

The High Court of Chhattisgarh is entering into a new era where the cases are being disposed nowadays in such a manner that for the first time total pendency of cases is decreasing instead of increasing.

The new characteristic of the speedy disposal of the cases is eventually benefiting the litigants and public at large of the State of Chhattisgarh. The officials said it could be possible with the sincere and committed endeavours of Chhattisgarh High Court Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha in his brief tenure that counts to just seven months that gave stupendous momentum in speedy disposal of cases.

It can be noticed by looking into the statistics comparing the same period of time of last year vis-a-vis the tenure of Justice Ramesh Sinha as mentioned below:-

It can be seen that during the same period in the year 2022, the pendency of cases have increased by 6.38 per cent, whereas for the first time in the last 10 years, the pendency of the cases has decreased by 1.47 per cent.

The other statistics underlined that by comparing the same periods of last year and this year, the institution of cases was 28526 (in the year 2022) and the same was 28583 during the period 29.03.2023 to 01.12.2023. Thus, the institution of cases during the same period was increased by almost 0.20 per cent, nevertheless, the disposal of cases also augmented. If compared during the identical periods, then it comes to 23126 cases and 29940 cases respectively.

The officials said although the institution of cases during aforesaid two periods is increased by almost 0.20 per cent, the disposal has also been increased by 29.46 per cent. “Is it not incredible and we can now firmly say that the dawn of a new era in the High Court of Chhattisgarh, where the litigants are not the losers but achievers,” the officials said.

The Chief Justice has disposed of total 2117 cases in Single Bench and 4381 cases in Division Bench. Hence, out of total disposal of 29940 cases, the Chief Justice has disposed of a total 6498 cases, which comes to 22 per cent of the total disposal of cases. This also depicts that the Chief Justice is surrounded with a team of highly efficient puisne Judges, which all work together with a sole aim to dispose of as many cases as it can. The High Court works together as a team and all the Judges including the Chief Justice are dedicated to liquidate the pendency of cases, which is now translated into fruitful results.

The increase in percentage of disposal at 29.46 per cent of the High Court of Chhattisgarh is a remarkable milestone that exhibits that the Chief Justice has not only disposed of huge number of cases but also his endeavours like making of roster and invoking enthusiasm among the puisne Judges has enhanced the overall efficacy of this High Court. He sets an example by working relentlessly, which became inspiration to all Judges, officers and staff of the High Court motivating them to push themselves beyond the limits.

Hence, the work culture of this High Court is becoming more committed to serve the litigants and eventually the public at large.

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