Arvind Kejriwal breaks protocol, airs PM’s in-house meeting

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, April 23

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal came to attend the in-house convened by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on COVID-19 situation with an agenda—to take political mileage of the crucial conversation.

The live output of Kejriwal speaking during the “closed-door” meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Chief Ministers of 10 worst affected states was televised despite it being a private conversation. Interestingly, the Delhi Chief Minister did not come prepared for the meeting and concentrated more on the non-serious issue including asking contact numbers.

The Delhi Chief Minister was on air in the channel that had been getting a good volume of advertisement from his government.

The Prime Minister took a serious note on the incident and told the Delhi CM that he had “broken a very important protocol” and that such private conversation was never televised.

Following PM Modi’s stern stance on the issue, Kejriwal, according to Prasad, “froze in his seat” and apologised to the Prime Minister with “folded hands”.

Meanwhile, a government official said that during the meeting Kejriwal, unlike other CMs who elaborated the steps they were taking to tackle the pandemic, had nothing to speak on what he was doing to improve the Covid situation in Delhi.

“Kejriwal had descended to a new low. For the first time, private conversations of the PM’s meeting with CM were televised. His entire speech was not meant for any solution but for playing politics and evading responsibility,” the official was quoted as saying.

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