“Gift” for IAS officer raises revolt in Chhattisgarh

Team News Riveting

Raipur, May 18

Government employees in a Chhattisgarh district had raised revolt against a state service official for allegedly collecting money to “gift” an IAS official heading the administration.

Scores of government employees did not falter to file a written complaint against their supervisor with an overt reference of seeking money for a gift to the district collector on the occasion of Holi. The employees said they were candidly communicated that Rs 2 lakh had to be amassed for a Holi gift to the district collector.

A Tehsildar was assigned to coordinate and collect. Unfortunately, the target could not be achieved and the lady officer vented her fury on the attendees, trading insults of the colourful hues. The officer concerned was shown the door for failing to discharge his duty.

In a span of just a few days, two IAS officers in Chhattisgarh had come under the lens. A couple of days ago, an official sat on dharna against his superior IAS officer for allegedly failing to act against shady deals.

The officer exposed the corruption case in his department and formally submitted the report to the District Collector. As the latter did not respond, the officer sat on dharna. It was only after the intervention of his department heads, he called it off.

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