When Dilip Kumar encounters JRD Tata!

A file picture: JRD Tata and Dilip Kumar

Team News Riveting

Raipur, July 7

Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, fondly known as JRD Tata, remains one of the most celebrated industrialists in the country. But what more goes to his credit is his inspiring life that he lived with simplicity and humbly.

The famous yesteryear movie star Dilip Kumar, who passed away today, recalls his encounter with JRD Tata on a flight once.  

At the peak of his career, superstar Dilip Kumar was once travelling by air. The passenger who sat next to him was elderly, dressed in simple attire. He appeared middle class but well educated.

As expected, astonished by his charm other passengers kept glancing at Dilip Kumar but the gentleman sitting right next to him was calm and unconcerned. He looked out of the window, read his newspaper and when tea came, he sipped it quietly.

Trying to strike a conversation, Dilip Kumar smiled at him, courteously the man smiled back at him and said Hello.

Dilip Kumar started the conversation and intentionally he brought the topic of cinema and asked, “Do you watch films?” “Oh, very few, I did see one many years ago” the man replied.

Dilip Kumar was surprised and told him that he worked in films himself. The man smiled and said “that’s nice, what do you do?” “I am an actor,” replied Dilip Kumar. “That’s very nice” said the man and the conversation ended right there.

When the flight landed while departing Dilip Kumar held out his hand and said “It was nice meeting you, I am Dilip Kumar.” The man shook his hand, smiled and said, “Thank you, I am JRD Tata.”

While describing the incident Dilip Kumar has said he learnt a lesson of humility that day and “learned no matter how big you are there is always someone bigger!”

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