China critics finally fired from party

Professor Cai Xia

Team News Riveting

A Professor from its own school of thoughts, the Chinese Communist Party has a new enemy to deal with.

Professor Cai Xia, a retired Central Party School professor, has hogged the headlines for describing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as a “political zombie” and Chairman Xi Jinping as a “mafia boss” that will drive the country’s economy into “complete collapse” if he is not ousted.

The Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, also known as the Central Party School, is the higher education institution which specifically trains officials for the Communist Party of China. Cai Xia used to teach in the school that is exclusive training ground for the elite apparatchiks groomed to govern China.

Now settled in New York, the Chinese Communist Party had never expected challenge from her.

Although she never mentions him by name, Cai makes it clear from the beginning that the individual she is referring to is Xi. She says that China’s political system is broken and must be abandoned because Xi has turned CCP members into his personal minions.

She asserts that the revision of China’s constitution at the Plenum Session of the 18th National Congress in 2018 illustrates why the CCP is a “political zombie.”

Cai believes that if Xi is removed from power, “the external environment will start to relax.” She said that if China could depose Xi, foreign nations would see that it was “moving in a different direction,” and external tensions could be alleviated.

The China’s top Party school announced today (Monday) that it had rescinded the Party membership of retired professor Cai Xia for making remarks that had serious political problems & damaged the nation’s reputation, and violating political discipline of the Party.

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