Tata Steel launches Safety campaign on ‘Slip Trip Fall’ across all its locations

Team News Riveting

Jamshedpur, September 10

Tata Steel today launched Safety Campaign on ‘Slip Trip Fall’ across all its locations. The objective of this campaign is to make the shop floor safe to work by identifying ‘Slip Trip Fall’ hazards and its risk mitigation by risk hierarchy of control philosophy and reinforcing safe behaviour among employees and contract employees. 

The campaign was launched jointly by Sanjiv Paul, Vice President, Safety, Health & Sustainability and Sanjeev K Choudhary, President, Tata Workers` Union on the digital platform in the presence of senior management of the company, TWU office bearers and employees across all locations of Tata Steel. 

Speaking on the occasion, Sajeev K Choudhary stressed upon the importance of Safety in our professional as well as personal life to keep ourselves and family safe form ‘Slip Trip Fall’ hazards. He requested the workforce to improve their behaviour towards safety and work along with the management in the identification and elimination of ‘Slip Trip Fall’ related hazards at their workplace.

Sanjiv Paul remarked that this campaign will help in improving the safety and behaviour of the workforce across the organisation. He requested the workforce to raise the issues linked to Slip Trip Fall related hazards through JDC and also to contribute in the identification of ‘Slip Trip Fall’ related hazards and their mitigation to achieve our aspirational objective of Zero Harm.

The context of the programme and detailed Analysis of Slip Trip Fall cases was explained by Neeraj Kumar Sinha, Chief Safety, Tata Steel.

Tata Steel is committed to the safety and well-being of its stakeholders and has taken several steps in the past as well to ensure zero harm to people.

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