Chhaya Mishra greets new Judges, regrets for women

Team News Riveting

Patna, September 23

Former Joint Secretary of the Advocates Association and leading lawyer Chhaya Mishra welcomed the 12 news Judges for the Patna High Court and pointed out women missing the list.

“We welcome 12 new honourable judges for Patna High Court,” Chhaya Mishra said. The Supreme Court collegium had made the recommendation for the elevation of six members of the Bar, two from the Judiciary, four on transfer from four different High courts to Patna High Court.

“Hope with the addition of a dozen honourable judges, speedy justice can be delivered and our high court will get a cosmopolitan character, CJ from Himachal Pradesh, other four from three south states and one from Punjab and Haryana,” she added.

She however regretted that no woman was given representation either from the advocates quota or judicial officers seat in the list of 12.

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