ACC to enhance capacity to 40 MT in next 15 months

Team News Riveting

Raipur, February 19

ACC limited has planned to increase its capacity in near term side to 40 million tonne (MT).

“We have clearly stated between the current projects which are work in progress we should be close to 40 million tons over the next 14 to 15 months,” Sridhar Balakrishnan, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ACC Limited said at the Earnings Conference Call. The company has designed the 2025 capacity expansion plan and the 40 MT is on the near term side.

The strategic intent is to move from current levels of about 34/35 million to anywhere between 45 to 50 million over the next two to three years, he added.

“Our expansion in Sindri is fully operational and it was commissioned in a record time of nine months. Our expansion in Tikaria is also very near completion and is way ahead of schedule. Our integrated unit in Ametha is also progressing well and is on track to start producing clinker and cement by September / October of this year. Even our project in Salai Banwa is moving way ahead of schedule,” Balakrishnan said.

Both the integrated unit and grinding unit at Tikaria and Ametha should be operational by September/October, Salai Banwa should be operational towards the end of first quarter (Q1) or early quarter two (Q2) next year.

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