Bengal violence well conspired, govt machinery remained mute spectators: RSS

Dattatreya Hosabale

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, May 7

Condemning the gruesome post-poll violence in West Bengal in the severest terms, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) today said that it appeared the carnage was well conspired as the government machinery remained mute spectators.

“The violence unleashed state wide, soon after the election results came out, is not only highly condemnable but appears to be well conspired also,” Dattatreya Hosabale, Sarkaryavah of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), said in a statement. That the role of state administrative machinery was completely passive and they remained mute spectators was the most heinous part of this unabated and inhuman violence, he said, adding that neither the rioters seemed to be afraid of anything nor is there any initiative by the state police and administration to control the violence.

The RSS condemns the gruesome violence in the severest terms. “It is our considered opinion that this post-poll-result violence is contrary to the Bharatiya tradition of Co-existence and respect to the opinion of all, as also it is totally opposed to the very spirit of democracy and one people enshrined in our Constitution,” the RSS Sarkaryavah said.

The anti-social elements active in abhorring violence, misbehaved with womenfolk in most barbaric and despicable manner, brutally killed the innocent people and torched the houses, shamelessly looted the shops and malls; and, as a result of the unabated violence, thousands of people including a large number brethren of scheduled castes and tribes, who became shelterless, were forced to go in search of refuge to save their lives and honour. Everywhere from Coochbehar to Sundarbans, there is a widespread fear of psychosis among the common people.

The first and foremost responsibility of the ruling administration, whoever or whichever party may be in power, is to establish peace and safety in the society by maintaining law and order, to instil fear of law in the minds of the anti-social elements, and to punish those involved in violent activities. The electoral victory belongs to political parties, but the elected government is accountable to the entire society.

 “We demand the newly elected government of West Bengal, as its top priority, to effectively establish rule of law by immediately containing violence, to initiate legal action against culprits by arresting them without further delay and also to instil a feeling of safety and confidence in the minds of affected people, and to take necessary steps for their rehabilitation. We also urge the Union Govt to take necessary and all possible steps to establish peace in WB and to ensure that the state government acts in the above direction,” Dattatreya said.

The RSS appeals to all the intelligentsia, the socio-religious and political leadership to play their significant role to arouse a feeling of trust and standing by the suffering sections of the society in this hour of crisis, to condemn the violence unequivocally, and also help create an atmosphere of peace, goodwill and harmony.

One Comment on “Bengal violence well conspired, govt machinery remained mute spectators: RSS”

  1. Dattatrsyaji,even a common citizen sitting in Mumbai,palakkad or Kupwada,j&k know it Did ur cadres do anything to protect them,or for that matter BJP who like vultures waiting Mamata to commit more Murders,rapes and property destruction by state sponsored TMC Bangladeshi illegal Muslims ,then grab power. Where is Nationalist fervor. Shame

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