Sheena Krishna Das
Duryodhana’s Queen- is a retelling of the epic Mahabharta from the view point of Bhanumati, Duryodhana’s wife. We all know Mahabharat narrates struggle and war between Pandavas and Kaurava. All of us are aware of Draupati, but how many of us ever know of Bhanumati the wife of Duryodhana. This book narrates about Pandavas, Kauravas and Kururkshetra war through the eyes of Bhanumati.
Story starts with Bhanumati hearing the sound of conch shells in the distance heralding the victory of the Pandavas. Bhanumati was born to King Chitrangada and Queen Chandramudra in the kingdom of Kalinga. Duryodhana and Karna abducted Bhanumati and Duryodhana forcefully married Bhanumati against her wish. Duryodhana promises her that he will have only one wife. She later falls in love with Duruodhana. She knows he was a good friend, a good father to her kids, a loyal husband, a good fighter, a good son and a good king to his kingdom.

Bhanumati always felt Duryodhan only wanted love, affection and acceptance but was denied at every stage of life. Bhanumati realised that Shakuni is the only person who overshadowed Duryodhana. Shakuni was using Duryodhan as means to destroy Kuru clan. At last, Bhanumati stepped inside the water and saw Duryodhana with extending hands, she joins him as there is no separation from him.
Book has been written quite well. In mythologies especially, a good amount of research goes so that no piece of information is lost. Extensive research has been done by the author. The author also shares insights into human nature providing a different perspective on the characters like Supriya, Krishna. This book allows to explore characters and perspectives and form opinions rather than focusing on “what happens next”, and that makes it a good read.