Bharat has been practising secularism since ages: Dr Mohan Bhagwat

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Sarsanghchalak addresses Luit Subansiri Samavesh at Majuli in Assam

Dr Mohan Bhagwat addressing the swayamsevaks

Nava Thakuria

Guwahati, December 30

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat said they had to develop the nation on the basis of Bharat’s time-tested self-hood.

Dr Bhagwat was addressing Luit Subansiri Samavesh at Majuli amidst mighty river Brahmaputra on Friday. Posing a question to the audience, if Bharat has been able to retain the Swa (self-hood) in it despite achieving her hard earned political independence, the RSS chief pointed out that without patriotism and unity among the Indians, a long lasting independence will be at stake.

The main reason behind the formation of RSS is to awaken the society towards making it patriotic, organised and with enlivening self hood, stated Dr Bhagwat. He added: “Our Swa should be based on generational requirements backed by our time tested traditional knowledge and also the best knowledge from across the globe. We must acquire the best of the knowledge from the whole world, along with our own.”

The Sarsanghchalak warned at the same time that, the last few centuries had seen the world facing different problems due to faulty models based on materialistic aspirations. However, the Bharatiya model empowers to make society self-reliant in all aspects. He reminded, as because ancient Bharat was secured from Hindukush mountain to Arakan from external aggressions due to her geographic terrain, the ancestors had been bestowed with ample peaceful time to reach the zenith of development both spiritually, artistically as well as materially.

There was no need of agricultural development based on chemical fertilizers which ultimately maintained side effects on the people. He stressed on the need to follow the great path shown by their glorious icons like Mahapurush Shankardev, Lachit Borphukan, etc. It’s a universal truth that by dint of regular practice, great virtues become habits, the method we emphasise at RSS Shakhas. There is a need of this personal good habit transformed into organised effort in order to make an empowered nation committed towards global welfare. And this organised effort should be enjoined with the fraternal spirit of one larger family. The great Bharatiya value teaches us to earn through both hands, but to contribute in thousand hands.

Dr Bhagwat finally concluded that people across the world today talk loudly on secularism but in reality Bharat has been practising it since ages. The RSS wants to become just an instrument of global welfare, not by creating a separate group in society, but by organising the whole of society bringing all together while leaving aside their individual selfish attitudes.

A group of Swayamsevaks demonstrated physical drill with thousands of audience attending the meeting, following which Dr Bhagwat left for Dibrugarh concluding his maiden visit to Majuli.

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