Biden takes double-digit lead over Trump

Team News Riveting

With less than three weeks to go until when the United States goes to the polls, Democrat Joe Biden has taken a double-digit lead over Republican candidate and President Donald Trump.

The former vice president leads Trump 54 per cent to 43 per cent among likely voters in the poll. It’s the highest level of support Biden has achieved since the poll began testing the head-to-head matchup in February.

Biden has never been below 50 per cent in the question in the Marist poll, and Trump has never been above 44 per cent.

Trump won 46 per cent of voters in 2016 nationally, but it was enough for him to squeeze out a victory in the states key to the Electoral College. Biden has pulled ahead in several key states, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which were crucial to Trump’s victory in 2016. But Trump is within striking distance.

Biden continues to have an advantage with Black voters, Latinos, whites with a college degree, women, people who live in cities and suburbs, young voters and independents.

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