Bihar Agriculture Minister resigns over differences with Nitish Kumar

Sudhakar Singh

Law Kumar Mishra

Patna, October 2

Bihar’s Agriculture Minister Sudhakar Singh on Sunday submitted his papers to the deputy chief minister, Tejashwi Prasad Yadav to forward the same to the chief minister.

This was announced by Sudhakar’s father and state RJD presidentJagdanand Singh.

On the recommendation of the chief minister, Nitish Kumar, Governor, Fagu Chauhan tonight accepted the resignation of agriculture minister, Sudhakar Singh. 

Jagdanand said, “Sudhakar Singh resigned to protect the interests of the kisans for which he was fighting for long. He made a sacrifice to the cause of kisans and we do not to precipatate crisis.” 

Governor Fagu Chauhan is admitted in AIIMS, New Delhi. 

Sudhakar is the second minister in Nitish cabinet to resign since its formation with alliance of RJD. In August, law and sugarcane minister, Kartik Singh had resigned.

Sudhakar was having a running battle with his chief minister since he joined the Cabinet. Last month, he had given a public call to beat the corrupt officers too and alleged officers in his department were thieves and he being the minister was the head of the thieves.

At a cabinet meeting, Nitish Kumar sought an explanation from Sudhakar, but he did not oblige and in protest left the meeting. This was made public by Nitish Kumar who had claimed minister even did not listen to his request.

Sudhakar had described the pet subject of Nitish Kumar since 2005-Agriculture Road Maps, one, two and three as farce and claimed no progress was done on agriculture reforms. At the release of the fourth Agriculture road Map, minister did not inaugurate it claiming it was useless. In the first two agriculture road maps, Rs 2.5 lakh projects were prepared, but not put on practice.

Sudhakar had differences with his officers. He had criticised his agriculture secretary, N Shrawan Kumar for non performance, but the very next day, chief minister described Kumar as the Best officer.

Chief Minister had rejected his minister’s suggestion to revive the agriculture produce marketing yards and end the monopoly of the primary agriculture co-operative society for procurement of agriculture produces.

Two days ago, in his constituency, Sudhakar alleged the officers of the weights and measurement department, a wing of agriculture ministry were harassing the small businessmen and demanded bribes of Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000. He had recommended action against 52 officers who were considered corrupt by him, but the suggestion was turned down.

Announcing resignation of his son from the cabinet, Jagdanand Singh said, “we do not want to precipitate the controversy. Sudhakar sacrificed to the cause of the kisans.”

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