Bihar Governor speaks on officers, still on VC

Bihar Governor Rajendra V Arlekar

Law Kumar Mishra

Patna, September 7

Bihar Governor Rajendra V Arlekar has turned down the recommendation of the Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar to give extension of services of the vice-chancellor of Patna University.

Nitish Kumar had made the recommendation in presence of the teachers and students at Wheeler Senate Hall on Tuesday.

Governor told the Chief Minister in the Hall that officers of the education department were belittling the Chancellor and denying respects due to the teachers. A secretary of the education department, Governor said, was constantly humiliated the VCs, Pro VCs and other teachers in the universities.

He had been receiving complaints on his mail and by post too against the ill treatment to the academicians by the education department secretary, Governor who is also chancellor of the universities told the Chief Minister.

Arlekar said the Chief Minister wanted extension to the three years term of the vice-chancellor, Girish Kumar Chaudhury that ends next week. He did not make any commitment, but reminded the Chief Minister about disrespect to the Chancellor by the education department. Under Patna University Act, the term of the VC can not be extended, Raj Bhawan is understood to have told the Chief MInister Office.

Raj Bhawan has already formed search committees for scrutiny of the applications received for appointment of vice chancellors of seven universities, including Patna University. Last month, the education department had entered into a direct confrontation with the Chancellor by inviting applications for the VCs posts ignoring the earlier advertisements issued by Raj Bhawan. Governor  summoned the Chief Minister and asked him get the advertisements released by education department withdrawn.

Governor’s principal secretary, Robert L Chongthu, in a circular to the vice-chancellors has said, “A public confusion is being sought to be created by certain individual officials, illegally and recalcitrantly, with attempts of undermining the established autonomy of the university administration as well as clearly laid down and unambiguous power and authority of the Chancellor in the matter of running the affairs of the universities.”

Chongthu told the VCs” in order to clarify the matter  authoritatively and once for all, vice-chancellors should follow the directive of the Chancellor office only. Last week, secretary of education department had challenged the authority of the Chancellor in administration of universities. Additional Chief Secretary of the department had stopped payment of salaries and allowances to vice chancellor and Pro V C of Baba Saheb Ambedkar university, asked all vice chancellors to report to him about daily works, the inspections and visits to the colleges.

Chancellor has now asked the VCs not to take cognizance of the orders or directions of the education department. Governor expressed his displeasure over the encroachments made by ACS on working of the universities.

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