Team News Riveting
The Border Roads Organisation has acquired a leading role in the arena of infrastructure development in hilly terrain traversing from high altitude snow peaks in Leh Ladhak to low mountains in the state of Tripura, Mizoram and Nagaland. The Organisation has been an ambassador of peace and prosperity through developmental works in several neighbouring countries like Afghanistan, Tazakistan, Myanmar and Bhutan.
Bangladesh Army Approached the IHQ of MoD post 2nd Annual Defence Dialogue between Bangladesh and India, Co-chaired by Defecne Secretary, GoI and Principle Staff officer Armed Forces Division of Bangladesh held in Dhaka on 10-11 Apr 2019 to provide the necessary assistance in development of their National project on construction of roads along the border in Chittagong Hill Tracts.
A delegation of 06 personnel led by Brig Gen Md Monzurul Islam, two Majors and 3 Warrant officers has arrived at Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati, Assam on 15 Nov 2020 for 15 days training cum tour programme from 16 to 30 Nov 2020.
Shri B P Samantray, Offg DDG HQ ADGBR (East) welcomed the delegates and highlighted the various issues pertaining to planning, designing and construction of hill roads to be discussed during the training. He brought out that site visit to demonstrate various aspects of tunnel construction and use of new material/ technology in hill road construction is also planned.
Commenting on the training programme, Brig Gen Md Monzurul Islam, thanked BRO, GoI and desired that alternate materials, soil / slope stabilization methodology, design concepts of retaining structures and new methodology being adopted on hill roads in addition to basic knowledge about hill roads construction would help in capacity building of BDA and development of National Projects.