For the Nepal government, Buddha and Buddhism cannot be a subject of debate but Lord Rama can be!
After creating controversy by claiming Lord Rama is Nepali, the Himalayan country has now swung into defence to assert that Gautam Buddha is not an Indian.
Speaking at a trade body event, external affairs minister J Jaishankar said: “Gautam Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi the greatest Indians that the world remembers.”
The statement invited sharp and prompt reaction from the Nepal government’s external affairs ministry. It issued a statement stating that it was a well-established and undeniable fact proven by historical and archaeological evidence that Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal.
“Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha and the fountain of Buddhism, is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites,” the statement said, adding the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, while addressing the Nepali parliament in 2014, had said, Nepal is the country where the apostle of peace in the world, Buddha, was born.
“The matter remains beyond doubt and controversy and thus cannot be a subject of debate,” the statement said. The Nepali authorities could now realise how it hurt while playing with the faith or religious sentiment of the people.
After all, Buddha and Lord Rama have deep religious connection. Like Lord Rama, Buddha is also incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Though the research is on whether it is Gautam Buddha or Adi Buddha.
Adi Buddha, avatar of Vishnu, was born on 1887BC to Mother Anjana in Kikata (Bodh Gaya).
The Adi Buddha Established the Philosophy of Ahimsa, Non Violence. He preached against ritual Animal Sacrifices that has crept into Vedic Hinduism. He emphasized the divine in all beings and divinity of all souls arousing compassion for all.
Siddhartha was born around 560BC in Royal Family of Suddhodana and Mayadevi in Lumbini in Nepal. He received his name Gautama from his spiritual Master Gautama Muni, who belongs to Kapila dynasty (as per Sundarananda Charita). Siddhartha left home and his royal comforts to find enlightenment.
He went to Bodh Gaya to meditate and got enlightenment only to become became “Gautama Buddha”.
After all, Siddhartha went to Bodhgaya to medidate because of its spiritual potency as the birthplace of Adi Buddha.