Cartoon race for eco-system restore

Team News Riveting

Raipur, May 30

Cartoon Watch, country’s only magazine on the matter, would succour United Nations initiative for restoring the ecosystem by organising a cartoon contest on the theme.

The all-India competition would be held on World Environment Day in collaboration with the Chhattisgarh Environmental Conservation Board (CECB).

World Environment Day is celebrated across the world on 5th June every year. Since 1974, World Environment Day is the most remarkable day for environmental action. The UN Environment Program (UNEP) organizes events for Environment Day every year to encourage worldwide awareness and action for the protection of the environment.

World Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment which was held in Stockholm Sweden from June 5- 6  in 1972. In 1974, the first World Environment Day was celebrated with the theme “Only One Earth”. Since then World Environment Day is celebrated annually on 5th June and various activities for awareness and protection of Environment are carried out. In 1987, it was decided to rotate the host of Environment Day activities by selecting a host county for the Environment Day activities celebration.

“Every year the theme of the competition coincides with the topic selected by the United Nations Environment Program – UNEP. This year, UNEP theme is Ecosystem Restoration, focussing on the damage caused to the environment globally,” Cartoon Watch Editor Triambak Sharma said. The competition is organized at the all-India level and there is no age restriction in this competition and any person can send their entry through e-mail, he added.  

According to UNEP, Ecosystem restoration can take many forms: Growing trees, greening cities, rewilding gardens, changing diets or cleaning up rivers and coasts. This is the generation that can make peace with nature. Ecosystem restoration means assisting in the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed, as well as conserving the ecosystems that are still intact. Healthier ecosystems, with richer biodiversity, yield greater benefits such as more fertile soils, bigger yields of timber and fish, and larger stores of greenhouse gases.

“We have played a lot with the ecosystem, now it is high time for the artists to take leap forward for the restoration of ecosystem and illustrate it in the cartoons,” Sharma said, adding that any citizen of the country could participate in the competition at the all-India level, irrespective of the state.

The winner would get a cash prize of Rs 10,000 while those securing second and third position would be rewarded with Rs 7,000 and Rs 5,000 respectively. Besides, 20 special prizes carrying Rs 1000.

The last date for sending entries would be June 4, 2021 and needed to be emailed to The results would be announced on World Environment Day.

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