Chhattisgarh: Civilian killed in IED blast planted by Maoists

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Team News Riveting

Kanker, March 8

A civilian was killed after accidentally stepping on an improvised explosive device (IED) planted by the Maoists to target security personnel in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district on Wednesday morning.

The victim has been identified as Biresh Mandavi, a resident of Kana village. The incident took place near Muragaon in the Korer area on the festival day.

According to sources, Biresh Mandavi got down from the vehicle and went some distance from the road to relieve himself. Accidentally, he stepped on the pressure bomb planted by the Maoists. The impact of the explosion was so severe that Biresh Mandavi died on the spot.

Soon after getting the information, a police party reached the spot and shifted the body.

Superintendent of Police Shalabh Sinha confirmed the incident and said the Maoists had planted IED to ambush the security personnel but a civilian was unfortunately killed.

The Maoists had escalated violence and unleashed terror among the villagers as they were baffled with the intensive operation of security forces that had made the rebels go defensive.

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