Chhattisgarh Housing Board officials in hill station as denizen struggles for water

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Team News Riveting

Raipur, April 14

Even as denizens of a few colonies manned by the state-run Chhattisgarh Housing Board (CHB) are desperately writhing for water, its senior officials are on a trip to an enchanting hill station to beat the heat.

A group of senior officials of the CHB are reported to be on a trip to a hill station in a southern state. This was confirmed when the residents of Saddu Sector 8 colony approached the office after badly battling for every drop of water. The staff succinctly said, the officer who has to take the call to resolve the crisis is on a trip to a hill station and will return only next week.

According to the local residents, they are hardly getting water supply for 5 minutes, that too is not constant. Since last one month, they have been struggling for water despite paying for it to the CHB. Despite knowing that the borewell had dried up, the board officials did not bother to make the alternate arrangement.

A senior board official said in such cases, supply is restored by feeding tanks from the water tankers. A good chunk has been made in the board’s budget for the provision. On the books, CHB has been
paying a huge amount in the head.

The CHB division officers are however helpless. For, they need to get the approval for engaging the water tanker from the officer who is now on a pleasure trip with the family members. The other officers are also accompanying their family.

The CHB Commissioner did not respond to the email dropped by the News Riveting for a version on the issue.

A furious resident quipped that the board officials who have been entrusted to manage the affairs are enjoying the cool breeze as people battle for water. He added that he has to hire tankers to keep the things going that cost heavy on his pocket. “What I pay for the tankers is double the water tax I am paying to the CHB,” he added.

However, a group of residents are planning to move to the consumer forum with the receipts and also to the human rights commissioning citing that in July 2010, United Nations (UN) General Assembly Resolution 64/292 acknowledged the human right to water – right to receive safe, affordable, and clean accessible water and sanitation service.

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