Chhattisgarh: Spouses see steel making in SAIL-Bhilai

Wives of plate mill officers visit Bhilai Steel Plant to understand the steel making process

Wives of BSP plate mill officers outside the facility

Team News Riveting

Raipur, November 27

The wives of some officers working in the plate mill of Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP), an entity of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), visited the facility on Saturday and became acquainted with the steel making process.

They saw how the iron is being melted in the Blast furnace, they saw how iron is converted into steel in SMS-3. Along with this, these women were overwhelmed to see the rolling of the world’s longest 260-meter rail at the Universal Rail Mill. The group visited the plate mill and closely observed the process of plate rolling. They also observed the work place of their husband and felt their hard work.

All the women in this team praised the contribution of Bhilai Steel Plant to nation building. At the same time, they felt proud of the contribution and dedication of their husbands towards the plant. The women members highly appreciated the efforts of CGM (Plate Mill) R K Bisare and his team.

Anjani Kumar, Executive Director (Works) of BSP, also met with this women’s team at Plate Mill and extended his best wishes. He also underlined the contribution of women power and said that the housewives also have a big contribution in taking the plant forward. “You all inspire your husbands to contribute better which benefits the plant and your inspiration creates new records in the plant,” he said.

He also praised this effort of team Plate Mill. CGM (Plate Mill) R K Bisare said that this visit of wives will give a new direction to our teamwork. The visit was coordinated by Ms. Anjali Pillay, Senior Manager (Personnel).

Plate Mill is a major unit of SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant. Which has made the country self-sufficient with its products, for example, BSP plates have been used in the construction of indigenous warships like INS Vikrant. Plate Mill is known for its innovation in the field of products as well as the creativity of its human resources.

In this sequence, taking a new initiative to understand the production process of the plant closely and to introduce them to the complex process of steel making and to strengthen the team spirit, it was decided to take the wives of the officers working in the plate mill on a visit to Bhilai Steel Plant.

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