Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai to re-start direct communication with public

File picture of Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai interacting with people

Team News Riveting

Raipur, June 26

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai will re-start the ‘Jandarshan’ programme from Thursday to directly communicate with the people and note their grievances.

The public interaction programme, which was affected due to Lok Sabha elections, will be held every Thursday from 11 am to 1 pm at Chief Minister’s Raipur based residence office. Sai will directly communicate with the public and address their grievances. He will also take feedback and suggestions on the implementation of government schemes.

The Chief Minister’s effort to connect directly with the public through the Jandarshan program reflects his grounded approach. Coming from a simple rural family background, he will now be more accessible to the general public. In a position like that of the Chief Minister, where there are constant engagements, reaching out to everyone and understanding their problems and concerns are big challenge. Organizing the Jandarshan program and deciding to meet the needy people from across the state is both a courageous and commendable decision.

Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai frequently meets with the general public at his residence in Raipur and during district programs, listening to their problems. He has also established a separate camp in his home village, Bagia, to address the issues of the local people. When he visits his home village, he meets with the residents and works to resolve their problems with ease. Even in his absence, his wife meets with the locals under his guidance, offering support and advice. Through the Jandarshan program in Bagia, the Chief Minister has resolved numerous issues for the people. For example, he arranged for an ambulance to transport a critically ill patient to the hospital for treatment.

One such case is that of Sukanti Bai Chauhan from Jashpur district. Her leg was severely burned while cooking, rendering her unable to walk. When the Chief Minister learned about her condition through the Jandarshan program, he ensured she received treatment in Raipur. After recovering, Sukanti Bai was able to stand on her feet again, and the Chief Minister personally called her to check on her well-being. For Sukanti Bai, who was struggling financially, the Jandarshan program in the Chief Minister’s home village proved immensely beneficial. This compassionate act by the Chief Minister highlights his sensitivity towards the needy and helpless.

Hundreds of people come to meet him at his residence every day, and he listens to and understands their concerns with great compassion. Now, with his decision to start the Jandarshan program at his residence every Thursday, he will have direct communication with people from across the state. From Surguja to Bastar, common people’s grievances and complaints will be easily heard by the Chief Minister, and this direct access to the head of the state will undoubtedly expedite the resolution of their issues. This accessibility will not only enhance the atmosphere of good governance within the administration but also strengthen the public’s trust in the government. Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Deo Sai’s decision to hold the Jandarshan program every Thursday reflects his closeness to the people, his sensitivity to their problems, and his commitment to being a responsible leader. This initiative will undoubtedly make problem-solving and communication with the public more efficient and effective.

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