China believes, India will win COVID battle under Narendra Modi’s leadership

Narendra Modi

Team News Riveting

Reiterating that China was willing to enhance cooperation to fight COVID-19, Beijing said India would successfully overcome the crises under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“The Chinese President (Xi Jinping) said he believes under the leadership of the Indian government, India will conquer the viral spread,” China’s Communist Party-backed Global Times reported. Xi said China was willing to strengthen cooperation with India in fighting the pandemic and provide the country with help and support.

The Chinese President sent a message of condolences to Indian PM Narendra Modi over India’s worsening COVID-19 crisis. In the message, Xi said that he is concerned about India’s COVID-19 situation; and he sends condolences to the Indian government and people, in the name of the Chinese government, people and himself.

However, India’s reluctance to take help from China had baffled the authorities. It had been desperate that India should accept its offer so that China could score over diplomatically. The Chinese analysts are appreciating its government even for the “offer” that India has not accepted.

The newspaper reported analysts hailed the move as China’s firing of the “biggest goodwill” to its neighbor who is ravaged by the pandemic.

“Being one of the first big powers to show willingness to help and now comes the President’s message of condolence, China is firing the biggest goodwill to India,” Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times.

The China’s foreign ministry spokesperson said Chinese medical companies were gearing up their production, and more of these materials would be sent to India in the upcoming days, noting that the majority of those donations and purchases are conducted in non-governmental ways.

The cargo flight routes from China to India were operating smoothly, and there were multiple Chinese flights ferried from China to India. Chinese authorities were facilitating customs clearances and transportations for conveying anti-COVID-19 materials from Chinese cities to India, according to the spokesperson.

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