China hails India’s new Parliament

Condemn West for creating “rift” between India and China

New Parliament House

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, May 30

Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the US, China has made conciliatory noises that includes welcoming the inauguration of the new Parliament building and castigating the West for creating rift between the two countries.

In its editorial, the state-run Global Times hailed the new Parliament building as a “great symbol” which is “aimed at freeing the Indian capital from colonial-era traces”.

In recent years, the Modi government has devoted itself to presenting an image of a rising India that engages in decolonization and emphasizes independent confidence, the piece read. India has also undertaken large-scale actions to remove symbols of colonialism, including renaming and remodeling iconic buildings, changing budget practices associated with colonial history, decreasing the official use of English and increasing the use of the Hindi language.

As a society that was also bullied by Western colonists and is dedicated to achieving national modernization, China can clearly empathize with India’s desire to uphold national dignity and pursue a more independent status, it added.  “India’s decolonization should truly demonstrate the unique logic, philosophy, and imagination of a civilized country, and should not fall into the geopolitical trap centered on Western power politics,” it added.

Th Global Times added that the West no longer has the power to subdue China and India through overt means, so they resort to creating rifts between the two to fish for benefits. In a sense, this is also a form of “persistent colonialist mentality.”

Asia and the world are big enough to accommodate the simultaneous rise of both China and India. China’s wishes for India’s development are sincere, the state-run newspaper underlined. In Chinese society, few people believe that India’s economic and social development will become a threat to China. The vast majority of people agree that the two countries can achieve mutual success.

“We hope that India can also show more of such clarity and confidence when dealing with China and the West,” it added. This clarity and confidence are a prominent sign that India has truly emerged from the shadow of colonialism, and it is also essential for promoting multipolarity and democratization of international relations.

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