CISF honours Odia officer for stopping Salman Khan to follow security protocol

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Team News Riveting

Bhubaneswar, August 25

The Assistant Sub Inspector of Central Reserve Police Force (CISF), Somnath Mohanty had been rewarded for intercepting Bollywood star Salman Khan while breaching the security check line at the Mumbai airport.

The CISF official, who hails from Nayagarh district in Odisha, humbly requested the film star to follow the security protocol that he tried to by-pass. Khan, who was flying to Russia for a shooting, got off his vehicle and tried to enter the airport bypassing the other passengers queued up for check-up.

The incident that took place on August 20 hogged the headlines in the social media. A media report twisted the issue and said the CISF officer had landed in trouble for interacting with one of the news media channels of Odisha. Soon after, support started pouring in for Mohanty in the social media with supporters tagging the Prime Minister, Home Minister and other dignitaries. Many twitter handlers commented that Mohanty should be honoured instead of punishment for performing his duties sincerely.

CISF finally responded and tweeted, “The contents of this tweet (related to action on Mohanty) are incorrect and without factual basis. In fact, the officer concerned has been suitably rewarded for exemplary professionalism in the discharge of his duty.”

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