Conquering Corona, and also mountain peak

The team atop Mount Friendship Peak

R Krishna Das

The height of her spirit for adventure reached a crescendo as ace woman mountaineer and corona warrior, Suman marked her imprint atop Mount Friendship Peak and unfurled the National Tricolor.

A resident of Jashpur, Suman (30) was infected by the novel COVID-19 that had turned into a global pandemic. It took 2 months for her to recover completely to win the battle with Corona.

“I wanted to give a message to the people that there is no need to give up by fearing Corona,” she said. If one can win from Corona, he or she can do anything; just need strong spirits, Suman added. And this was the same spirit that made her create a niche for herself.

To promote such talents and encourage, Rahul Gupta—the only mountaineer from Chhattisgarh to conquer Everest — came forward to give wings to her spirit. Suman along with other members in the team conquered the Mount Friendship Peak, located in Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh about 5289 meter.

“The sole purpose of this mission was to honor the Corona Warriors,” said Rahul, popularly known as Mountain man. Along with him, 20 youth from 7 different states were also involved on this mission.

The expedition started on October 9, 2020 and was completed on October 21. While trekking, they encountered a temperature that was Minus (-) 10 degrees. Besides Corona warrior Suman, Chirag Gupta (15) and Ishaan Shirke (15), both from Chhattisgarh, were the youngest mountaineers.

Rahul Gupta had added another feather to his cap with the success of the mission with a Corona warrior. Earlier, Chitrasen Sahu, who was handicapped (double leg amputee) with both legs, had successfully conquered Mount Kilimanjaro under the guidance of Rahul Gupta. Rahul Gupta has always contributed in bringing forth the talents of the state like Chitrasen Sahu and looks forward to continuing with his mission.

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