Country is with you, Prime Minister tells Manipur

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi speaking in the Parliament

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, August 10

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi made his much-awaited speech in the Parliament and taunted the Opposition unrelentingly for more than two hours and predicted that the BJP would break all records in next year’s general elections.

The Prime Minister turned to Manipur after speaking for more than 90 minutes and asserted that Home Minister Amit Shah has routed the Opposition’s charges yesterday. “Union Home Minister Amit Shah addressed all issues of Manipur without indulging in politics. He attempted to spread awareness, peace,” Modi said.

“I want to tell the mothers and women of Manipur that the country is with you,” the Prime Minister said, adding that the crimes against women are ‘unforgivable’. He wanted to assure the country that their efforts will ensure that peace prevails, Modi said. “I want to tell Manipur that the country and this Parliament are with you. We will find a resolution and Manipur will see peace and progress. The Northeast is a part of my heart,” Modi said.

The Opposition replied by chanting “Manipur, Manipur, we want Manipur” and that provoked the BJP into thumping their desks and shouting “Modi, Modi!” In turn, Modi lashed out at the Opposition, saying the no confidence motion would not be, “a floor test for the government, but for the Opposition.”

Making a now familiar charge, he accused the Opposition of only doing politics on Manipur. The Opposition walked out in protest at his failure to talk about Manipur for over an hour.

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