Country produces 2548 TMT crude oil in July

Team News Riveting

Raipur, August 24

India’s crude oil production during July 2021 stood at 2548.78 TMT (thousand metric tonne), which is 3.78 per cent lower than target for the month and 3.22 per cent lower when compared with production of July 2020.

The cumulative crude oil production during April-July, 2021 was 9961.65 TMT, which is 2.64 per cent and 3.37 per cent lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively.

Natural gas production during July 2021 was 2891.96 MMSCM, which is 18.36 per cent higher when compared with production of July 2020 but 10.19 per cent lower than the monthly target. Cumulative natural gas production during April-July, 2021 was 11060.07 MMSCM, which is 19.85 per cent higher than production during corresponding period of last year but 5.37 per cent lower when compared with target for the period.

CPSE Refineries’ crude oil processed during July 2021 was 10959.40 TMT, which 5.64 per cent higher than the production of July 2020 but 14.44 per cent lower than the target for the month. Cumulative crude throughput during April-July, 2021 was 42668.17 TMT which is 17.94 per cent higher than corresponding period of last year but 10.40 per cent lower than target for the period.

Production of Petroleum Products during July 2021 was 20686.03 TMT, which is 6.70 per cent higher than production of July 2020 but 4.54 per cent lower when compared with target for the month. Cumulative production during April-July, 2021 was 80677.66 TMT, which is 13.07 per cent higher when compared with the production of corresponding period of last year but 3.38 per cent lower than target for the period.

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