De-board alarm for air passengers violating COVID protocols

Team News Riveting

New Delhi, March 13

Aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) on Saturday took a stern note on the reported violation of COVID protocols by the air passengers and issued fresh circular that could de-board the traveller.

The DGCA circular issued today said, “On board the aircraft, in case any passenger does not adhere to wearing a mask properly despite repeated warning, he/she should be de-boarded, if need be, before departure.”  Any passenger on board an aircraft refuses to wear a mask or violates the “COVID-19 protocols for passengers” even after repeated warning, such passengers will be treated “unruly” and airlines will take necessary action as prescribed in the civil aviation manuals.

Taking a serious note of the violation, DGCA said it had been noticed that some travellers undertaking air journey did not adhere to ‘COVID-19 protocols’ which essentially involved wearing of masks properly that was not below the nose during all times of the journey from entering the Airport for departure to exiting the airport after arrival.

The airport director and terminal manager had been asked to ensure that passengers were following the protocols and hand over those violating the norms to the security agencies. If required, they may be dealt as per law.

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