Developing wheelchair for Dog

Picture: DD News tweet

Team News Riveting

An IT professional from Coimbatore along with her father developed a wheelchair for a disabled Pomeranian dog that the family was fostering now.

Veera, a four-year-old Pomeranian dog in Coimbatore, which used to hobble along due to injuries in its legs, had got a big relief. It could not move in a wheelchair, developed by an animal lover who had also adopted it.

Moved by the plight of Veera, whose hind legs were disabled possibly due to animal abuse, Gayathri an IT employee assisted by her mechanical engineer father Kashi built a small wheelchair for it.

Kashi being a mechanical engineer decided to design a wheelchair with PVC pipes, two cups and some padding to make the prosthetic comfortable for the Pomeranian.

The great humanity of the Coimbatore girl had been praised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “Friends, I read about a heart-touching effort at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. You too must have seen visuals of this on social media. We have seen wheelchairs for humans, but daughter Gayathri in Coimbatore, along with her father, made a wheelchair for a suffering dog,” Modi said in the 19th episode of “Mann Ki Baat” aired today.

This sensitivity is inspiring and can happen only when a person is filled with kindness and compassion towards all life forms, he added.

Gayathari was always an animal lover and wanted a pet dog since her childhood but could not get one. During the COVID-19 lockdown, she was working from home and had a lot of free time, and this is when she decided to get a dog.

After pondering over the idea, Gayathari decided to adopt or foster a rescue dog instead of buying a dog. That is when she came across Veera at a local shelter.

The disabled Pomeranian had severe injuries in his hind paws and could not walk normally while adding that he had been injured about two years ago and it seemed like a case of animal abuse.

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