Grand HR conference SHRAM-2021 concludes in NCL

Team News Riveting

Bhopal, November 19

The two-day grand HR Conference SHRAM- 2021 concluded in Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), a Singrauli-based subsidiary of Coal India Limited (CIL) on Thursday. 

The Conference was inaugurated by Chairman Coal India Limited Pramod Agarwal on Wednesday. NCL CMD P K Sinha, Director (P&IR), Coal India Vinay Ranjan, Functional Directors of NCL, Director (Personnel) of various Subsidiaries of Coal India, General Managers/Heads of all Areas and Units and HR professionals and Speakers from the nation attended the conference.

International Renowned HR Professionals including Prof. TV Rao, Dr. Deepak Deshpande, Professor Nidhi Shukla, Dr. Santosh Bhave, Sanjeev Lahiri, Dr. Pramod Sadarjoshi, Rajesh Kamat, Amresh Hota, Neeladri Bhattacharjee, Dr. Ashwin Nayak, Dr. Hemant Rao, and Anish Aravind delivered lectures on various HR topics relevant to Industrial Revolution:4.0 in the two-day conference paving the path for revolutionizing HR. 

The Best HR Managers of various companies were awarded the ‘SHRAM-2021’ Human Resource Excellence Awards’ in the conference.

The conference focused on giving new horizons to Human Resource management, policies, and practices in all areas including the energy sector from digitization, technology use, automation, and artificial intelligence. This was one of its kind of Conferences in the Coal Industry.

On Thursday renowned Management Guru and eminent Author Shiv Khera graced and addressed NCL Family and participants in the concluding session of the conference

At the outset of his address, Khera stresses on self-improvement through reminiscent of his own days of struggle as an example. During his lecture session, Shri Shiv Khera offers tips on self-introspection, Confidence with humility, leadership, Integrity, family and organizational, value system. During his oration, through quotes like ‘winner see the gain & looser see the pain’, ‘practice does not make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect & ‘making money is criminal, Earning Money is spiritual’ he made an indelible mark over the memory of the audience.

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