Healthy Sigh: Chhattisgarh’s cardiac centre takes top spot

T S Singh Deo: Chhattisgarh’s Health Minister

Team News Riveting

Raipur, January 23

Chhattisgarh is creating a niche for itself in the health care sector as its’ ACI (Advance Cardiac Institute) at Raipur-based Pandit Jawaharlal Memorial Medical College has been ranked 5th with Kerala for electrophysiology treatment.

The Institute at Chhattisgarh’s biggest government hospital has treated a total of 22 cases of electrophysiology, which refers to the study of “electro” ie electricity/energy and “physiology” means the study of the activity of heart. The top three hospitals in the list are from Jammu and Kashmir while Chandigarh is at fourth place and Advanced Cardiac Institute of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College in Chhattisgarh and Pariyaram Medical College in Kerala has got the fifth place. 

It is a matter of pride for Chhattisgarh to get this place in the country in matter of treatment related to heart disease, the study of electrophysiology was started in the year 2016 at Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College located in the state capital. About 70 patients have been treated so far since the facility was started.

The Advanced Cardiac Institute located in the capital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for this complex treatment, how patients benefit with these facilities is extremely useful.  Physicians associated with this institute told that in common parlance, if we assume that the heart works like a motor, then it basically has two functions.  The first is that the heart pumps so that the blood circulates in the body and secondly, the structure inside it (arteries) which conducts electricity/energy to run the heart properly, when these arteries located inside the heart if any problem arises there then the heart beats too fast or becomes too slow.  For the treatment of this problem, in the Advance Cardiac Institute, the problem is first detected and mapped (mapping or electrophysiology study) is made, then the problem is diagnosed by reaching the heart through the thigh vein.

Advance Cardiac Institute has set a new record by treating 22 patients in last year. Significantly, for these treatments, 3D EPS (Electrophysiology Mapping Machine) is being used in the Advanced Cardiac Institute, this state-of-the-art machine used for mapping in electrophysiology is rarely available.  Apart from Raipur, patients are able to get the benefit of this facility only in Jammu and Kashmir and Lucknow (U.P.).  The country’s third state of the art machine is available at ACI, Raipur, using this machine to diagnose the common heart rate problem as well as those complex problems by the doctors of ACI, which is possible only in selected hospitals of the country.

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