Historic Maha Suhrit Maha Shakta Yagya concludes in Chhattisgarh

Special priests from Kerala performing puja

Team News Riveting

Raipur, May 25

The five-day Maha Suhrit Maha Shakta Yagya ritual organized by Shri Maha Divya Desam Foundation at Mangal Bhawan, Mana, concluded with Durga Shanti on the full moon night on Thursday.

The concluding ceremony that was marked by the special ritual was attended by the head of the state and Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai. He was accompanied by wife Shrimati Kaushalya Devi Sai and other family members.

A special Yagya ritual was organized from 11.30 pm on the full moon night by Acharya Rajeev Rakul and Tantris from Kerala. In this, the ritual of giving power to the king was performed according to the divine method of Kerala to enable the head to become mighty. Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai prayed to Mother Bhagwati for public welfare to ensure that the government’s schemes reach to the people standing last in the row.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai (centre) with wife Kaushalya Devi (right) and Acharya Rajeev Rakul (left)

He took the blessings of Acharya Rajeev Rakul and expressed his gratitude that he organized Maha Yagya for the entire Hindu society and Sanatan Dharma in Chhattisgarh. This will benefit everyone and India should become a world leader, Sai said. On the last day, prominent personalities of the city participated in the special ritual.

Maha Bhadrakali Trishtuppu Yagya ritual was performed on the last day. Acharya Rajeev Rakul informed that Mahatantra Kriya is especially for those who are worthy of it or are the heads. Due to this, Goddess Bhadrakali provides immense peace and happiness to the people, the Goddess protects her true followers in every situation. Goddess Bhavakali saves Veerabhadra from the wrath of Maha Vishnu. This is the most powerful ritual performed for any desired purpose. Strengthens the basic energy and provides supreme overall strength to the worshippers besides removes weak Mantraism and all negative energies.

He added that the Goddess always provides protection from any harm caused by Asuras, Gandharvas, Rakshasas, Kinnaras, Prets and Vampires. The Goddess becomes the most powerful shield for her true devotees. After this Maha Trikal Devi puja was performed. Mahadevi is revered as Trigunatmika with the invocation of Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik feelings. This puja helps in establishing harmony among the trinity present within the individual and in the entire nature. Balance is important in starting the Mahayajna in a state of balance with the help of Nature.

The yagya venue

Agneya Trishtatuppu puja is performed followed by Shanti Durga special. According to Acharya Rajeev Rakul, when Shiva and Vishnu got into conflict with each other, the whole world got distressed. Ba Dev prayed and intervened, invoking Adi Shakti to stop the Buddha. Adi Parashakti in the form of Shanti Durga carrying Lord Shiva in one hand and Lord Vishnu in the other hand brought about a truce between him and his members.

The Goddess represents unity and is the mother of Advaita, making one understand that the entire divine consciousness is one and can only be realized by making our inner existence peaceful. After that invocation puja is done. Gupta Aavahanam puja was performed late at night. This is a special ritual worship of Goddess Bhagwati which gives strength.

Goddess Bhagwati was worshiped through dance. Salutations to Guru Vichitrananda Swain and Rudraksha Foundation who have presented the world famous Odissi dance to showcase the Maha Maya of Mahadevi.

Special worship of Mother Goddess was done through dance. Apart from that Chottanikkara Sathyan Marar worshiped the Mother while performing Kerala PanchaVadyam to stimulate the five senses and invoke the Goddess in a higher state of vibration within the Yagya Shala.

The objective of Sri Maha Divya Desam is to support the temple priests and their families, temple artists, artisans and sculptors by providing better living and working conditions. Through the initiatives they aim to preserve and revive the threads of the ancient culture and create an environment that promotes sacred values and rituals, various aspects of the sacred and divine spiritual heritage.

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